Went to Strip Paragon and did my brazillian waaaaaaaxing,
really cheap cos i've got staff discount! :D
(Strip is under Spa Esprit Group)
Boohoo, Jasmine was suppose to go with me
but last minute she couldnt cos she had to wooooooooork.
Then i went over to Milly's @ Far East Plaza to get my nails done,
hahahahs, the manicurist was like "WAHH TODAY SO EARLY!" .. Haha..
(I was there at around 12pm cos my waxing appointment was like 1130am lor?!)
I wanted something reeeeeeeally pretty but i didnt want 3D nail art,
so as usual, the super talented manicurist didn't disappoint meeeeee!

Daaaaaamn pretty lor, i spend like almost 1 hour staring
at her drawing those beautiful flowers and i never got bored!
I've got crazily awesome nails!
Check out Milly's website here to check out what
services she provide and to check for prices :
Milly's is located @ Far East Plaza, #03-129
Lol, then suddenly when i'm in the midst of admiring my nails
while waiting for them to dddddddry,
esther texted me and asked me if i wanna hang out,
have dinner and watched movie cos it's her birthday the next day!
Walked around vivo alone for like 1hour plus and
got psycho-ed into buying a $150 facial mud mask.
TMD. *Smacks forehead*
Went to the bookstore and suddenly Issac called me and told me
he's @ vivo already and asked me where am i exactly.
I was like super WTF and bluuuuur luh!
Smelly esther didnt tell me issac was coooooomiiiinnnngggggg~

Lol, went to a super cheena restaurant called DIAN XIAO ER
and had a weirdly family-ish dinner.
(Restaurant had a nice view thou!)
Lol, like 3 dish, 1 soup plus rice.
Funny! but i dont recall eating like that with any of my friends before!
Never in a cheena-ish restaurant! lol, so funny,
then esther was like ordering like some expert and
Issac and I were like struggling to even find wtf
we want to eaaaaaat. ZzzzzZ..

..Had to say.. the food was pretty yummy,
pretty much exploding before the fish dish came out!

Ben&Jerry to perk us uuuuuuup!
..and to rest my poooooooor sore feeeeet.
Yay, had Chocolate therapy, cookie dough & strawberry cheesecake.

...then we went to watch Surrogates! Awesome movie!!!
Anybody watched it yet?
omg, i wonder how is it like living in an
"airbrushed, everything flawless" world! Weird cool shit!
Muacks, need to sleeeeeep!
Working late tmr and i've a wedding dinner to attend!
Sayonara, Loves!
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